Welcome to TSSI TD-ScanPro! Quick Start Guide - Unzip the software package: "TSSI-TDScanPro2022.0-r5561.zip". - A new folder called "TSSI-TDScanPro2022.0-r5561" will be created. - Rename the license file oe@tessi.com sent you to "license.lic" and copy it into the "licenses" directory. - Follow the instructions below. I. For New Users or Refreshers: - Open Windows Explorer and navigate into the "TSSI-TDScanPro2022.0-r5561" folder. - There are three directories: "examples", "licenses" and "tds". - Launch the WaveMaker+ GUI by double-clicking on the "TSSI-TDScanPro_QuickStart.bat" icon. - In the WaveMaker+ GUI File Browser, navigate to the "examples\intro" folder to run a couple of small examples. Example 1a: A STIL to NI-HWS Conversion. - Double click on the stil-to-ni_hws.scn Scenario to display a flow. - Inside the Scenario flow diagram, select Run->Scenario. - NI-HWS tester output files will be generated into the "stil-to-ni_hws.out" folder (all file names are modifiable by users). - Feel free to move, double click, and examine all components. Example 1b: A STIL to NI-STS Conversion. - Double click on the stil-to-ni_sts.scn Scenario to display a flow. - Inside the Scenario flow diagram, select Run->Scenario. - NI-STS tester output files will be generated into the "stil-to-ni_sts.out" folder (all file names are modifiable by users). - These NI-STS output files are ready to be compiled by the NI Digital Pattern Editor supplied by NI - Feel free to move, double click, and examine all components. Example 2a: A WGL to NI-HWS Conversion. - Double click on the wgl-to-ni_hws.scn Scenario to display a flow. - Inside the Scenario flow diagram, select Run->Scenario. - NI-HWS tester output files will be generated into the "wgl-to-ni_hws.out" folder (all file names are modifiable by users). - Feel free to move, double click, and examine all components. Example 2b: A WGL to NI-STS Conversion. - Double click on the wgl-to-ni_sts.scn Scenario to display a flow. - Inside the Scenario flow diagram, select Run->Scenario. - NI-STS tester output files will be generated into the "wgl-to-ni_sts.out" folder (all file names are modifiable by users). - These NI-STS output files are ready to be compiled by the NI Digital Pattern Editor supplied by NI - Feel free to move, double click, and examine all components. NOTE: Double click on the "testerbridge" icon to reveal its Properties tab for controlling various options of the TesterBridge operations. II. For Advanced Users or Users in Training: - Open Windows Explorer and navigate into the "TSSI-TDScanPro2022.0-r5561" folder. - Launch the WaveMaker+ GUI by double-clicking on the "TSSI-TDScanPro_QuickStart.bat" icon. - In the WaveMaker+ GUI File Browser, navigate into the "examples\OrbitxDemo" folder to run examples of batch processing of multiple STIL and EVCD files. Please follow instructions provided, or contact "hotline@tessi.com". III. User manuals are available with the software. - For the WaveMaker+ GUI operations, select Help->WaveMaker+ Manual... - For all other aspects of the software system, select Help->Solstice Manual... IV. Troubleshooting and Additional Information - If WaveMaker+ GUI failed to launch due to "Unable to Checkout License", double check in "TSSI-TDScanPro_QuickStart.bat" script that RLM_LICENSE is pointing to the path where your license file is stored. NOTE: For floating licenses, check that you have access to the host pointed to by RLM_LICENSE. Try to "ping" your host. Also, make sure no one else is using your license. Try: " \TSSI\licenses\rlmutil rlmstat -a" A handy script for starting floating licenses is described below. - A handy script to start a floating license: 'tssi-rlm_license_v14.bat' Instructions: - Start a Windows OS CommandPrompt - In the CommandPrompt window, navigate to your installation folder; e.g., TSSI-TDScanPro2022.0-r5561\licenses - Type the command: tssi-rlm_license_v14.bat start - That starts the floating license server - To stop: tssi-rlm_license_v14.bat stop - Detailed instructions on software and license installation are available on: www.tessi.com/resources.html, document name: "TSSI Download and Installation Guide for Solstice Windows Packages" - A handy Windows ShortCut Icon. To create a TDScanPro shortcut on the desktop, double click on "TSSI-TDScanPro_Shortcut.bat" to create a TSSI TDScanPro shortcut on the desktop. When available, double click on the "TSSI TDScanPro" icon on the desktop to launch the GUI. Feel free to explore. Contact "hotline@tessi.com" for any questions. Test Systems Strategies, Inc ("TSSI") Copyright (c) 1979-2022. All Right reserved.